Expressive Arts and Anti-Racism

Expressive Arts and Anti-Racism

We at Yellowbird are committed to the work of anti-racism through education, self reflection, courageous conversations and using the arts to engage in an embodied dialogue with racism, privilege and colonialism in America. We are committed to using the arts to guide a new path toward an anti-racist society. Yellowbird is comprised of two white women who are personally and professionally committed to this intention. We stand with the Black Lives Matter movement.

Some key components of doing the work of anti-racism is to explore and get clear on how racism lives in you, how your privilege has impacted your life, how you feel and what you long for in an anti-racist society. It calls for a courageous look in the mirror. One way to approach this is by actively engaging with the images that speak to you, and make you FEEL something kinesthetically. We invite you to join us.

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